5 Questions: Jeff Kramer : Comedy Sports

I have tripped and cajoled the infamous Jeff Kramer into doing the 5 Questions Series.

If you don't know who he is ...he is a pillar of the San Jose Downtown group of business that made the pandemic better with rooftop movie viewings and comedy shows.

1. You've been in business for over a decade how has San Jose changed in that time?
A. We’ve seen a major shift in the need for our services over the last 35 years. At first, we were a novelty and brought in just for fun. But over the years there’s been an evolution and a move toward a team-oriented approach to business. The applied improv soft skills we teach are being recognized as essential to leadership, communication, design thinking and presentations. Even the HR term of employee has been replaced by “talent acquisition.” Hiring now goes beyond the resume to the unique talents that someone can bring to the team.

2. As a savior for team building, what is the one thing you want HR to know first about doing events like Comedy Sportz

A. Our Applied Improv training is a fully interactive, fun, non performance-based workshop, filled with improv-based exercises and reflections to give participants what they need to connect in today’s rapidly changing world. Each exercise builds off the next, to reveal the highly refined system of habits and skills that allow professional improvisers to work together to entertain audiences with little to no time to prepare. All sessions involve multiple small group exercises, partner work, and large group exercises. Coaches create a supportive, non-competitive experience and facilitate a low-stakes learning environment. Applied Improv experiences are reliant on fully engaged participants. The environment is inclusive and supportive in nature. The activities foster relationships while building positive connections.

Skillsets applied improv covers: Flexibility, empathy, trust, decisiveness, problem solving independently or collaboratively (and when to use which)

A) Build positive relationships within the team
B) Build sustainable common processes
C) Build leadership habits and skills
D) Improve agility and big picture thinking

3. Favorite comedian? 
A. Mel Brooks and Carol Burnett

4. You are moving into a new space, does that mean added services?
Oh and if you need help I know a moving company. Our new home will allow us to host events in a more comfortable setting with flexible seating/meeting space, state of the art AV and plenty of free parking. We also have relationships with a variety of vendors so you won’t waste time with multiple searches and phone calls.

I did ask a 5th Question if he'd revive the Beach Blanket Babylon and well he refrained from answering but, you can reach he directly at Comedy Sports! 

Thanks Jeff! See you on the stage or dancing in the streets :) 


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