Try This! Amazon Go Store

Remember 7-11 when you had to go in and pour your Slurpee and grab a bag of chips then stand in line and pay for it. 

Probably in less than a decade  7-11 will no longer have a smiling person behind the counter so you can purchase a money order or get a pack of cigarettes because they will adopt the Amazon Go store model.

Coffee at Amazon

The Slurpee Machine will run itself and like a vending machine in the laundromat you will simply walk up and select your drink and press a button. 

My complaint is there is no whipped cream ontop of my mocha but it does cost less than the Peet's right next door and pastries are about $1 cheaper than Paris Baguette right across the street. 

helper at Go

The likelihood of this becoming a reality is simply because it already is. Until mass adoption which again, in about a decade you will no longer see a cashier, but use an app on your device or worse your palm print to walk into a neighborhood store and get what reconstituted food product is on tap like a soylent green special. 

I admit right now this works for me because I don't have to wait very long and for the most part its a reason value for the inconvenience of my life data being owned by Amazon. Sure they know I drink coffee, eat yogurt and like the buffalo wrap chicken sandwiches but, I would still like whipped cream on top of my mocha. I do make my way to other places and get fresh fruit ( hello birds and bees where art thou?). 

I also work and live in an area where the individual packaging is off set by the recycling efforts. I keep wondering what is next to happen in commerce and I can tell you Amazon Go is the next step. There is about six within a three block radius of my workplace each with the same standard food and beverage product no variation of the price model. Each store may be situated different but the truth is these places probably only cost a fraction because the limited hours. 
I admit using an app to enter and pay is slightly more convenient but its out weighed by not standing in line in fact, that is probably the weirdest thing I actually find myself shocked by is when I have to stand in line to enter because some one is new using an app or the coffee machine is busy otherwise I probably spend maybe 15 minutes total a week just getting my coffee? 
So to break it down: 
Pros : Quick turn around, about 10% savings on products, ease of use

Cons : Amazon has my data, Soylent Green Vending Machine is just years away, mass adoption is difficult 


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