5 Questions about MS


Recently, I have found an increase in talking about MS. The authority for anything about Multiple Sclerosis is here. After the West Wing and not very much else, this year saw an uptick in publicity about a condition that attacks the nervous system. 

While I praise awareness, MS isn't a boutique condition as I am related to someone that was diagnosed with the condition over thirty years ago. 

This is the five questions to my sibling.

1. When were you diagnosed with MS? 1988 at age 27

2. Over your experience with MS have you did you get a 2nd opinion or where misdiagnosed?

Yes, I got a second opinion when I saw a different neurologist

Yes, I think I was misdiagnosed bc the doctors practice specialized based on stroke versus what essentially is a pinched nerve.
Equally, I believe my condition was exposure to Metal toxicity or iron poision that can produce some of the same symptoms of MS.

I feel I have mercury poisioning due to mercury fillings due to the dental care at the time. Additionally I had a culmination of diet soda (aspartamine is in diet soda and attributed to first gulf war drinking diet soda that was warm some exhibited symptoms of MS ). Weight had nothing to do with MS. MS Brain function disease affects nerves. Some Dentist have acknowledged when pressed that metal fillings residue can be absorbed in the body. Equally, the condition can be genetic and skip a generation and mostly can affect the female decedent 

3. What is your life today especially in regard to treatment and elder care?

I am continuing treatment until when I become 65. I discontinue the MS medication by my neurology doctor she said to wait until 65 doctor. There is no replacement medication and 99.99 MS symptom medication is deemed not needed. 

In regard to elder care same as for anybody I have not planned anything at this time. Equally, because of the preexisting condition I don't qualify for plans for elder care. 

4. Do you think medical research and science works or a futile expensive experience?

Research is good because they are coming up with new ways to treat this and other conditions. I am positive that promise of stem cells is the new thing that will cure it(MS). Its unfortunate that the FDA is retarding the research of utilizing ones own stem cells. The FDA appears to be more interested in making money to prevent new technology and use the funds for other programs.

5. What do you tell your children about MS and what do they ask?

When my child was an teenage that is what the time to explain that I had MS. It was more evident because issues presented the disease in activities we were doing that I was needing to explain why I couldn't do certain things, but it never stopped us from participating in activities. My child never asked but, has been understanding.  

We had to cut our conversation short, but in the end I was surprised at the response and also disappointed in the resulting reality that getting better than our parents or being better than the previous generation isn't really a thing. Between the causes of auto immune disorders to the potential life saving medicines being stymied by greed, our future from what would have been my parents perspective is awashed. 

While Diagnosis and Treatment for many auto immune and other neurological conditions continue to get better, its our own human fallacy to create the problem from approval of chemical sweetener to prevention of medical technology to cure said disease. Worse, the discrimination of such conditions deemed pre-existing preventing saving a future for others later. 

This isn't a plea for donations, and its not by any means more than ones person opinion of a situation. 
Its 5 Questions and there is more we should ask and more we should do. 
Thanks to my sibling for answering I will probably update this during the next ten years. 
For right now, Happy New Year and Keep asking questions.


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