From #TipWell to #BigTipper to #TipShame?
If you haven't checked recently there is a recession going on and how long it lasts is for someone else to claim but, over here in my corner I got this email from Capital One.
"Hi there, I noticed a 32% tip on your recent HOUSE OF NANKING bill. While some are tipping a little extra these days to support businesses and workers they love, I want to make sure this tip is correct. |
So, why is this even a thing? Why can't we just accept that the tax on the bill ( which is missing here) was rounded up and doubled? Because that is what my dad taught me. If you must know the food was good the service was good and I believe in supporting workers but, why would this be a thing ? Doesn't Capital one know that some places give you a little device that doesn't let you write down the tip? They let you push a button but no itemized receipt? Why didn't I get an email from that ? This email feels like I am being shamed for giving a tip that wasn't "cheap" maybe its way to tell me I spend to much money on food ...great more shame ...that is worse my credit card company gave me an eating disorder because I spent my money on eating out and tipped well. And I have additional anxiety over spending money or using my credit card so I don't go out with family and friends and I am going to die alone soon because of all this anxiety. Well, not soon because I see what the "good intention" is but the problem is how Capital One phrases it .... I noticed Who the FRACK IS I ? I, Robot????? Humanity is going to its wits end |
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