Losing the Battle of the Bulge

 I thought last year I would have lost the significant amount of weight. Its not so. I have gained weight and its the WORST kind. The kind that you can feel you gained like you can't touch your toes without the "cushion" getting in the way. 

I have had my weight fluctuate a solid 10lbs before the holidays. I know the culprits ( stress, depression, a red and white can that would work for migraines, and not working out ). 

Yet, the flip side of not eating or fasting, walking more, and just in general trying to eat less just did not happen to a regular degree. 

The thing is I know how to lose weight simply create a calorie deficit and expend energy more. The existential problem is all the articles about weight loss drugs from diabetic medications. 

You think hearing, reading and literally not able to escape the news that a type 2 diabetes drug can cause miracle weight loss would be welcome. When said medication costs $5000 a month for the amount of the dosage to lose said amount of weight in a month that is more than water weight you carry ( fyi 5-10lbs ) or more than you would lose if you were on a diet that had food treated with potent vitamins to make your body expel more waste. 

There is a simple way to do it and it takes time but, when you look at the clock or the calendar you realize that I may be running out of time. Think about it, I like to workout after work but, if I stay at my work till 6:30pm then go workout at 7pm then finish at 9pm I get on the public transit to get home at 11pm does not work because I have not had dinner and still jived from the workout or worse in pain. Yet, I did that for two years because my commute was local. So, the mental break I am having is the job or the commute or the rat race not working. 

Anyway, now I am back to the worst kind of weight loss the kind that comes from stress meaning I am causing myself stress thinking about what I eat, how much I exercise, where I am exercising, when I eat, and oh I have mental blocks about hoarding stuff and need to expel other material things because...

I am older I might have 25 more years left in me and so I better get to living it, right? 


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