MakeUP, MadeUp

 How did anyone in George Santos congressional district ever vote for him? 

How? I am worried about those people. Is their water sanitary or are they being subjected to another government experiment dosing them ? 

Nearly 800K people live in the 3rd Congressional district and I am going to be generous and say that 100K are actual voters when a total of 133K voters voted for him. 

That is a LOT OF PEOPLE ...

Did they think they were voting for the West Wing Character played by Jimmy Smits Matt Santos? 

I think so. 

I mean, 133,000 people couldn't have been duped by some guy wearing a polo shirt and glasses? 

133K New Yorkers voted for this guy...if that isn't voter fraud I don't know what is. 

The worst part of all of this is the fact that George Santos admits to more and more outrageous lies and its his own fault because of redistricting in New York that allows this snake oil salesman that wears gap clothes proudly while the clothes don't fit. 

He literally bought his way into the Congress and is UNFIT to serve. 

Talk about putting lipstick on a pig


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