The 1 Percent

 I am kinda astonished by the massive ignorance by economist in general. At the same time, this feels like 2008 even though everyone is saying it isn't. Worse, it could be 1929 but, hey what I do I know. 

The SEC is targeting Cryptocurrency because old white men don't like it. Maybe that is being too honest. Really Rich Old White Men do not understand digital assets that they don't control. Yes, I will grant that the confidence game of electronic cash is just that a con. The problem is that since electronic transfers have first been initiated over 30 years ago there has been literally dark pools and digital currency. 

If the SEC was so concerned why did the SEC go blind suddenly when CITADEL became the largest "dark pool" money launder since Ben Franklin likeness was stamped on a silver half dollar. 

This tirade is rooted in the GDP growth for Q1 od 2023 at 1.1% to which I say that is spectacular. In Q1 of 2023 over 100K tech employees were laid off. That is not including the implosion over the cryptocurrency arena or the banks that shredded mortgage banking payrolls. 

Next, its stupendous that economist do not recognize or call out the global warming or environmental impacts that occurred in Q1. Not
one acre hell there isn't really an acre left in the Western Central Coast growing region that isn't wet or bogged down or completely washed away. There were 300 tornadoes that struck the midwest flat lands of America tearing through millions of acres. If Economist will ignore mother nature how those same econ gurus ignore the latent effects of the train derailment where gallon after gallon of toxic waste into the Ohio River that leads into the Mississippi river that feeds into about $40 Billion Agriculture business that basically left to be hazardous. 

If someone really wants an apocalyptic scenario its going to be the Q2 of 2023 when farms can't grow beans and cattle die in heat waves ( oh is it too soon after 18K cows died in a dairy farm explosion ) because the water is contaminated. Leaving the deceased cow meat the carrier of a horrible version of whatever version of killing disease copulating writers of zombie fiction think of  without violating George Romero copyrights. 

By Q3 of 2023 the numbers will be readjusted because everything is fungible ( except digital tokens that was a real con ...sorry boys and girls ). Companies will readjust their numbers because they can and there is always a 5% give or take on the balance sheet. 

(Editors Note: For those doing the math 1.1% makes the GDP -4% and yeah we are already in a recession ...Happy Memorial Day! ) 

So, 1.1% GDP give the 1% a round of applause or at least call what you are doing when you try to fan the flames out of the fire creeping up your front stoop of your idyllic homestead in the countryside. 


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