More Coffee....

 As I promised I went to four different coffee shops this past week in my effort for a simple morning ritual. This week I spent about the same amount of money but, there was some sticker shock to be had. The four shops are within my transit to work from BART, so how did Philz, Illy Cafe, Bluestone, and Blue Bottle were on my list this week. 

My journey began at Philz, a renowned coffee shop with two locations on Market Street. Opting for the one near the Ferry Building,I realize Philz is known for its pour-over coffee process, which takes a little longer an actual 60 seconds longer than the machine grind, pump and drip. Each Philz Coffee is featured by a bright yellow, stainless steal, light beachwood and a chalkboard accent to lend a sense of the original authenticity from its "humble" beginnings.

I was promptly informed that my mocha would not have any whipped

cream on it and while my disappointment wouldn't cause too much distress I was bemused would my world actually crumble at the loss of whipped cream. It was a Monday, so anything is possible. My drink was announced and I picked it up from a nameless barista and while I am sure an employee of Philz I was not sure the barista wasn’t following me around from store to store as nothing distinguished them from the customers except by location.

Blue Bottle, a long-standing favorite, holds my number three spot on my coffee needs. I adore their Nola iced coffee, even on a chilly day, and on any day one can find clean lines in their locations.

The simple design of a blue bottle on a white background is prevalent quiet richness. The Nola iced coffee has natural sweetness and soft leather undertones that I appreciate as the atmosphere allowing me to slow down and enjoy the moment amidst the shop authenticity.

The next day, I made my way to Bluestone Coffee near the Palace Hotel on Market Street, I expected efficiency and a focus on coffee. What might come as a surprise and maybe my own hubris is that as I write this I just discovered that Bluestone is Australian Coffeehouse and its reputation is prestigious. However, I encountered a kiosk setup with two hardworking individuals. It became apparent that there was a labor shortage, and the barista stationed behind the coffee maker repeatedly directed customers to use the kiosk, despite their inclination to approach the open counter.

The small nook along Market Street on cold and windy morning where Karl the Fog lingered in Union Square. Bluestone turned out to be the most expensive coffee shop on my journey, and unfortunately, the experience fell short of my expectations.

I collected my coffee, the second employee was meticulously preparing

an avocado and egg toast with microgreens so delicately placed that it seemed the greens were still growing. I had to inconvenience the employee to retrieve a French pastry from the display case. There was no inclination or offer to heat up the pastry just annoyance and that is expensive for one to appreciate the hard work of such an esteemed reputation.

Finally, Illy Cafe where the display of Italian and European pastries was

so enticing that I could practically feel the calories adding up as I glanced at them. I indulged in a mocha accompanied by a warmed chocolate croissant, resulting in an expensive

combination of coffee and pastry

Illy Cafe's bright pops of red, elegant decor, and comfortable seating created a sense of normalcy in paying a premium to enjoy a cup of chocolate-infused espresso and steamed milk. Illy Cafe gives the quiet rich feel of where business deals are made and life long friends enjoy sitting down and connecting. It may inch up in my go to spot.

The mochas and the Nola were all good coffee and where the Australian, Italian, American versions of espresso drinks are contrived to fit in our waiting palms it begs the question of Coffee being a commodity that is fueling an actual economy.

My last look will be the breakdown from the seed to the porcelain cup because right now, today, May 26, 2023 at $180.85 for Coffee futures.

(Editors note: This is not a sponsored post, ChatGPT was utilized and the photos are by the author. )


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