Apple Number 2 or so

 Okay, Welcome 2024! Technically Bushel #2 in my Fifty Apples documenting or blogging the fifth decade of my life. I spent some time over the weekend before the New Year thinking about my lost loves. 

How did I meet that loser? Why did I go out with that other loser? I really should win the Nobel Peace Prize for Not Procreating with that other loser! Then I wonder is it me? I thought really hard about this because sometimes I do see the end of a relationship before it even starts. 

Then, I find out the guy is a) married b) separated but, still married c) Not getting a divorce anytime soon. 

So, I just don't date. Its a horrible truth to admit. As Valentines' Day fast approaches (there is already Valentine's Day candy in the store) I wonder if I really will just die alone having not found love at all? 

That's just crazy talk I am sure. In the meantime here are some of my vlogs to watch ...


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