Coffee Revisited : The Independents : Sextant Coffee

 Hi, Have we met before ? I now drink coffee. I drink coffee where I think about the whole commerce of coffee and the literal amazement that I have for this commodity. I am also fascinated where it is grown. 

So, Sextant coffee roaster has opened up on Valencia Street conveniently for me on my way to work. This is very good for me. I have heard whispers about Sextant coffee, I've had it at events and now I can have it every day. One of the benefits I enjoy is that I am drinking coffee from Ethiopia from an Ethiopian! Not a conglomerate but the process and care and amazing roasting is an experience. I am grateful. 

Now, I could go on about the harvest, the partnership, the toil and trivia/ But nah, let me compel you to visit on your own or order some beans today. 

First off, I like the taste of my morning mocha. Granted, six year old me is not getting her required whipped cream but, a little older and wiser me is enjoying a SMOOTH cup of coffee. Nothing astringent or abrasive about the brown liquor that I can not wait to inhale. 

So, I have to sit down. Yes, sit down and get a "for here" cup and relax not rush hot liquid down my gullet. I enjoy a minute to breath forcing myself to slow down and not rush into adrenaline frenzy. Its a nice break and reminds us of what is important. 

Now, the cup, the seat, the ambiance the time and the price all makes it worthwhile and my experience special. The flurry of going to work is nice but, the reality is Valencia street has a rhythm and even the grinder is in the grove not a piercing whine but a reassuring hum as the beans are ground. 

The taste is immediately a reason to stop and let yourself get composed. I find it precious and have to plan out my visits because the coffee is worth it and yes, I am paying close to $7 or $8 including a tip. Its the other goodies I appreciate and just being able to sit and relax is so nice. 



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