Battle of the Bulge ? 3 Miles or 15 Miles

 Okay, I got a gym membership so I can swim. Then I got swimmer's ear and then I decided to swim anyway. The promise of swimming 10 miles in June for a good cause is a good reason. Now, I have hoped to swim 15 miles in July. 

I could also do the challenge of swimming, biking and walking 3 miles a day. I am going to admit that is not going to happen anytime soon but I would like to try and I certainly have the time. 

Walking is probably the easiest I completed 100 miles with about 5 days to go. Biking was a little harder but I got to 80 miles fairly easily. Swimming is the hiccup and its because of nothing short of fear whether its the quality of the pool water, the fact that I can't keep up with an 80 year old man next to me, or just pacing myself better and not letting the anxiety get to me. 

I have already made a PLAN ( because planning is the first step, right? wink wink ). I have the equipment (because you have to be prepared per the plan you made - totally setting myself up for disaster ). I have access to execute the plan ( I have 5lb free weights but that doesn't mean I am using them -side eye to the stationary bike ). It takes a lot of self confidence to work out surprisingly doesn't it. 

Unfortunately, when I told a sibling that I had accomplished what I did the response was "Wow, That's a lot Hope its translating to lots of pounds melting away" My response was "That is not the goal!" 

So, when I did weigh in so to speak I had not lost a significant amount of weight in fact I will have to lose 20lbs before anyone really notices. At this pace its going to be a while and forego the fact that it won't make me live any longer than say taking a daily vitamin. 


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