Pay Your Rent : Loud Budgeting
Paying your rent should be covered but, what if its not? What if you still need to produce money for a down payment and security deposit.
At least starting July 1st in California the deposit can only be 1 months rent. I am so grateful for it except I am not finding that I can meet the credit requirement. The credit rating requirement at some places is over 750.
Trust me if you have a 750 credit score right now, you won't have one after you fill out that apartment application.
Basically, I need to have $3000 for an very nice studio in San Francisco. For the record, I am going to use me as an example but, imagine a family of 2, 3, 4 budget ( just x by number of people )
I have to make at least 3x as my rent so that is $4500 a month.
I have to pay a security deposit of $500 for animals and I will be paying electricity and internet (gas and garbage is paid by the landlord ).
That is before I have even spent money on moving my butt there because I will need time to move I have to finish paying for my current place and still go to work.
Okay, moving costs I can probably do all the small stuff myself but, I am going to need a mover for my storage space and large bedroom items.
Here is a sampling of rates
-$100/hr for 2 movers with 26 ft. truck
-$150/hr for 3 movers with 26 ft. truck
-$200/hr for 4 movers with 26 ft. truck
*4 hours minimum charges plus fuel charge
*Double applies if the distance between your addresses exceeds 10 miles.
So, being $400 for four hours for two movers with a truck sounds good ?
Remember I am double so its $800 because we have to pick up from where I am moving and my storage unit then go to my new place.
Hence I have to rent a car and do the small stuff over a couple of days. There is a lot of small stuff. The car rental is just over $400 and maybe I can find a handyman to help move my bed, dresser and chair ? So that is still $800 to spend.
Have you got the total yet?
$3000 just for the rent
$550 Credit Check, security
$100 start up for electricity
$100 for internet ( yes I need my grid )
$800 to move
That is $5000 easy that I just have to cough up to move into a new place and yes, pay rent again in probably three weeks.
Yes, I want a place of my own, but if renting a room will save me $3000 you can bet I will do it.
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