#BattleofThebulge Hot Water

 The Olympics are great really they are. Yet, when I go to my gym I am flustered by the temperature of the water. Its just way too warm, I am use to cold water 60 degrees 65 degrees Fahrenheit and yet in my local gym its a balmy hot water. I can't stand it. I may nervously gulp the water and yet I hate it thinking of the bacteria. 

Its really horrible to explain to a 17 year old that the water is too warm so, do I report the gym to the health officials? 

No, I torture myself by trying to go to a proper pool where I pay $100 to swim in slots and lanes hoping no one else is there to give me an insuperiority complex. Its really horrid feeling like an imposter at a fancy swim club. 

Yet, I have to get back in the water and while the gym is closer and a bit more convenient I can't take the water temperature. 

So, I tried the beach...yes, I traveled to the pacific ocean to take a dip in the water that is the pacific ocean. Then I had to worry about my things ...yes, I am a worry wort of sorts. If its not the lithe athletic bodies of the fancy swim club its the fact someone wants to take my stuff off the beach. 

So, then I can get a Resort Pass to use a pool at a fancy hotel during the day for $20. Yeah, that would work right? First you have to call the hotel in question, then you make your Resort Pass reservation and you have to call the hotel to see if they see the reservation. Then you have to go. 

Its a bit of a circle why don't I just go to the gym ? Again the bacteria. I am sorry but people are old and not familiar with pool etiquette and they don't know how to not pee or "leak" in the pool. Especially children. 

Then you ask what about the fish in the pacific ocean ...well you are right because when I went to the beach did I find kids - no...but a homeless person basically bathing in the ocean which I completely understand and wish I didn't see ALL OF IT. 

I know, I know I am being a germ a phobe but, it makes you think doesn't it. 


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