Wine Closet : Memories of Good Wine
I am an alcoholic. I may not be drinking hard liquor or a bottle of wine every night but, because I do drink alcohol I am an alcoholic. Now, there is always the distinguish that if you do not habitually imbibe in ritually consuming alcoholic beverages or food you are not an alcoholic.
Well, I don't subscribe to that pedestrian way of thinking. I can't really get away with that distinguished lifestyle of compartmentalizing conditions based on which perspective one employs at a random timeline.
I just threw up in my mouth. You see, now since an oligarch has purchased an political platform there are those of in the North America that make the the previous statement unheard of. Freedom is Freedom and now our freedom is in jeopardy so, I know I am going to be drinking alcohol again, consuming mass quantities but, for now let's talk about what I did drink and that should be fun right?
The ticket was perfect for grabbing a burger and drink. The swag of a hat or baseball was cute but, I was for the wine and it was good wine. I think it was Cabernet or Merlot ( sorry didn't take notes ) but, I did drink one bottle. The other was given away as a gift.
I do think about going again to a game and spending a weekend up in the #winecountry but, once by myself I would like to do the next time with someone special.
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