Wine Closet : It costs how much?

 William Shatner got a liver transplant though you won't find it in his autobiography but he did. It was pre-social media and he claims it to be stem cell therapy today. William Shatner is an alcoholic. I know that sounds really horrible doesn't it. He is 99 years old when I am typing this and shouldn't I be happy for him? 

Not exactly. I know what Liver Cancer is. I know what the liver does and I understand and comprehend the whole dynamic of the liver and its great benefit to the body. 

What I don't like is liars or people whom claim absolution when they are perpetrators of said discrimination. 
Also ego is a powerful thing. 
Yes, he went through the steps and he's all better for it. He still uses CBD for his aches and joints (PUN!) but why can't you like him. 
Well, maybe my toleration of him is in the reflection that I was a fan, an ardent fan of the character he portrayed. That is the thing, he is still a meme of the person that he is. 
The Ego, the Super Ego and the ID are pretty interesting stuff when you apply those learnings to thespians who claim pillars in our society. 
Yet, sexism and jealousy would wrap around the guy known as Bill that his whole self would be warped ( unintended Pun! ). 

Still, can you really fault him for trying to live and extend his life to shepherd others on tales and flights of fancy (damn pun!) ? No, but I am anyway because it should be said that liver transplants are given to a special few. The criteria and the needs are great so, just to have the money and wherewithall to get one done is a bit like a sycophant to the machine of fame. 

Also, I am going to die from Pancreatic and Liver Cancer regardless of treatment. Maybe I will one day get to say Thank you because Bill did talk about stem cell therapy that helps one avoid a casket. I still find that pill hard to swallow because humanity gift is mortality. 

As much one may wish death on someone; they pray endlessly for the life of another. The perpetual struggle yielding such golden nuggets. 

Anyway, Liver Transplants cost around $100K the time that Bill got it done and my initial thought was he could have spent that on a great bottle of wine instead. Alas, how wrong on the bottle of wine I was. 

Living Life requires to indulge oneself in simple things and that is what wine is in way. A simple thing. Now, take a really well made wine and make a limit amount of it and you can charge quiet a bit of money for it. 

The success of wine making is being able to charge an literal arm and leg for it but, also that other people can charge an literal arm and leg for it. I know my proclivity for drinking wine is tempered by the cost. I really do want to try an expensive wine but, in my heart and palate I know that it could not taste as good as a bottle made from an unknown producer that sells it down the street corner liquor store. The only difference is that this wine owner was able to do it first and market it better. 

I think the most I spent on one bottle of wine is $35 and even then I was guffaw at the price. I treasured the bottle for a long time. I was gifted an wine from 2000 that should have been good but because of my haste and poor taste I didn't enjoy the $90 bottle of wine. 

I was gifted a ton of bottles of wine during the pandemic of variety of prices of places because many people couldn't take their subscriptions with them to other states. I think I had a bottle worth $150 once in my collection and I gave it away to a nonprofit raffle because that is what happens when your #winecloset is 1000 bottles of wine big. 


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