Wine Closet: A Picture is A Thousand Words?

 blah blah I hate the djt government blah blah 


with the alcohol removed? Am I still an alcoholic if I drink it?

Yes. Yes, unfortunately, you are still an alcoholic if you drink wine that has had the alcohol removed. Because why else are you drinking the wine in the first place? Pregnancy? - um you wouldn't want to drink the wine but, also how else did you know that there was a wine that you could possibly drink while pregnant if you didn't drink wine to get pregnant. 
Maybe you have gone through the steps and want to enjoy people company but not the alcohol ? Only an alcoholic would utilize the same reason as to why they are an alcoholic as to why they are trying to drink a drink that makes them like the alcoholic they were? 

Before you put yourself into what has to be a verbal incontinence situation let's just admit it that being an alcoholic comes with societal stigma of being unwell, unsure, not trustworthy. 
What is it about pressed grape juice that makes us so willing to deny that it exists. Why the chemical process that happens to the pressed grape juice when added sugars causing fermentation and thus making alcohol is so perceived to be dangerous that we will make the juice endure a far more toxic process of removing the alcohol to make us feel "better"? 

I know from personal experience of driving my own mother to and from Alcoholics Anonymous meetings that the problem is not just individual but the whole scheme of things from the grape grower to the cashier that checks you out and gives you that look that makes you want to drink the non alcohol wine. 

Society failure to recognize why one needs to imbued in a wine with alcohol removed is the real problem. Sometimes thinking too much is an issue. Anxiety of dealing with the day of disappointment propels one to grab a bottle and enjoy a cool glass of the liquid gold that is not quiet gold. For me, I tried it to help my mother but, she quite appropriately said "its not the alcohol that is the problem its me that is the problem" I never again purchased the non alcohol wine again. 

Though you would not know that if you met me  

I promote alcohol free or alcohol removed wines because the grape grower is the same, the process while an extra step is done is the same, the art in the bottle remains. 

Also, there is some "reassurance" in having a glass of alcohol free wine. That you are an adult still. 

When I don't drink, I just don't drink and the constant if not habitual torture of seeing wine ads and promotion of celebrations with people swirling around glasses and bottles of wine is some kind of torture, I try to commiserate with those who do try to stop being an alcoholic because the barrage of promotion and normalization of having a glass of alcohol is perverted its a chemical thing in ones body that craves the feeling of dopamine released upon that first sip. 

I do drink wine but, I respect those who don't for what ever reason. 


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