What happened to Vanilla?
I am near a Humphrey Slocombe location and that is bad for my waistline and any #battleofthebulge
There was a sale and I got three pints because I thought it would be fun to eat some ice cream.
I forgot my lactose intolerance will flare up and I will have gas and be bloated for like hours afterward. I did not care, I wanted ice cream.
But here's the thing. Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry that is the order I usually get ice cream. Yes, I will go crazy sometime and get Tin Roof Sundae for the OG ice cream makers and there is a sincere place in my heart for Pineapple - Coconut Haagen Dazs ice cream.
But Peanut Butter Ice Cream with Chocolate not Chocolate ice cream with Peanut Butter? There is a six year old me looking for chocolate ice cream with peanuts not some lab experiment of vanilla ice cream manipulated with ribbons of peanut butter and chocolate.
I know I know my uncouth palate does not belong in those hallowed arena of gourmet ice cream.
It just begs the question as cocoa pods and vanilla beans start to disappear what happened to simple pleasure of one flavor of ice cream?
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