Wine Closet : A cold red?
I love wine in the basic format of water meeting grape and blending into something else.
So, lately either due to age or just wine making being more commercialized than anything.
I appreciate the wine that comes in a pack as well.
Recently, courtesy of a coworker, I got this gem
It is delicious or was delicious I should say.
After opening it, I found myself struggling to drink more than one glass.
It was late and I was tired and I really did not want to drink more than one glass.
So, I popped it in the refrigerator and it lasted four full days as I slowly poured out a glass each night for my dinner. The tannins softened and really opened up the berry and cassis of the wine. Now, yes, you can tell me it came in a four pack of wines from a warehouse store and that the wine only costs $11.99.
Yet, that is the joy of wine and discovering wine. Some real gems that are good and worthy are in packs of four new wines for so-so producers.
Also, the fact I just became a woman who will put a red wine in the refrigerator is news to me...I never would have done that two years ago.
Unless it was in a can ;)
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