Five Questions : Alex Harmon

 If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area and travel on public transit, go to an Oakland A's game or find yourself drinking a lot of #Gingershots you should know Alex Harmon

He is everywhere in San Francisco and probably riding a bicycle or SFBART ( like me :) 

So, here is my Five (5) Questions with Alex Harmon

1. When did you first start taking SF BART? 

  • I’ve been riding BART since early childhood. My earliest memories of BART are riding with my dad in the late 90s. I still have some stuff (tickets, pamphlets, etc.) from back then.

2. Are you a foodie? 

  • Yes! Despite me having my diet preferences, I love to eat out and support local spots around the Bay Area.

3. What do you think transit will look like in the future? 

  • Hopefully it’ll will be expanded and improved even more around the Bay Area. We have a good system but there’s definitely room for improvement. I would love to see even more walkable communities along with more ways to access transit and other methods of getting around in both the major cities and in the suburban areas.

4. Ginger shots ARE LIFE! 

5. Will there be a critical mass again for bikes?

  • I personally haven’t got into critical mass but am always down for bike party and other rideouts. The more bikes out there, the better!
Thank You Again, Alex and eventually we will see each other on BART ;) 


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