Hard Move #BattleoftheBulge

 Okay, I have moved to a new place. One thing I distinctly am aware of is the unique fact of how expensive it is to do said move. Granted, I had the opportunity to stay until the end of December 2024 but, when the landlord is rude and mean I just want to get out of there. Plus, I learned that I did move and what my brain will do. Aside from the financial hit moving also got me a peek into my #battleofthebulge. Since I was saving money for like ever to move I forgot about my transit bill. At $500 a month ( starting January 2025 ) I kinda freaked out. 

Now, I chose to move to a safer place over saving money. The biggest benefit was that I would have my own bathroom but, I also knew the area. This is going to be a proving ground for my financial skill set. The thing is - I know I can manage my money and just right now I don't have a lot. 

The other thing hitting the ole buttocks is #battleofthebulge is happening because I am not eating out or a lot. I have changed to the volume of food I eat and because of finances I can't afford certain items I am not eating hence I have lost some weight. 

Today for instance, I went to my storage unit and its PACKED again. After emptying one earlier this year, I am starting at ground zero again which is difficult given the incoming regime change I don't know what 2025 will look like or how long the regime will last ( best guesses are 4 months to Five years ). 

I have at least a year here at my new abode and with money management it shouldn't be hard. 

Even as I type this I am having doubts but, at least I am admitting there is suspect doubts to be had. 

While I am frustrated with just having to "get through it" I am literally getting through it by walking, taking transit and managing my time. The frustration is the sound of the wheel hitting the pavement of managing time, money and more. 


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