The Coffee Files: Barefoot Coffee


I am in my old stomping ground of Campbell, California. It is weird to be back here after 15 years of living everywhere else but here. 

But it is what it is. Campbell is a small town, very small and yet somehow has four registered voter districts. This nook of a town almost requires one to self reflect. 

Hence, why there is some ten coffee spots within an five block radius of Hamilton and Bascom? 

The uniqueness of each location Corporate, local or Fancy coffee shops is pretty much in the name of the location. 

It also bodes something well for the population of people that frequent each of these coffee locals. No, seriously, Barefoot on Bascom might me a small shop but its still seeing a dozen people every hour. Equally, there spot to sit down is highly coveted. 

You almost have to pay $10 for cup of coffee ( Mocha Borgia for me) and a croissant. You almost have to sit down and people watch, or do writing therapy. 

I don't do it often enough but, Barefoot Coffee will suffice.  


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